Enjoy Now State of Mind

Enjoy Now State of Mind

Be here now. This is one of my favorite sentences and reminders there is. Ram Dass, one of the great teachers of our time, sums up the goal of yoga, practice, meditation, and life in three powerful words. Be here now has been my goal with what and how I practice and how I choose to teach, lead, guide, and most importantly, be in the world. With Strala Yoga, the now, is where we revel.     I love that the experience and feeling we intend with leading Strala shines so clearly across in the class. I dreamed of a yoga…
Dive into Ease

Dive into Ease

Hi Friends, My favorite way to spend time is working with people, leaders, and Guides to help them connect to themselves, accomplish challenges with grace and ease, enjoy each moment, be an amazing example of what's possible, and help those they interact with to enjoy radiant wellbeing. This is my purpose. I know it strongly, and it's so much fun and freeing to be with people in this way, teaching and sharing the process that works wonders.   Move easy. Everything you've got. In every direction you can.   The basis of what we practice is ease and mastery of…

Creating a Productive Space

How does your space make you feel? We use a lot of careful consideration in creating & caring for our Strala Yoga spaces (a topic we cover in trainings & working with companies on wellbeing practices) whether you own your own studio, teach in a gym, park, or are running a meeting in a conference room, how you create & use the space impacts the experience for your guests greatly. Some suggestions we keep in mind. 1. Clutter.Consider the stuff in the room. Is there clutter & furniture you can tidy up & remove to open the space? If there…

The Evolution and Future of Yoga

Krishnamacharya's grandson wrote about the future of yoga in 2016. He outlined five basic thoughts, I'll share them below. - Desikachar's thoughts on yoga today 1) Modern yoga lacks holism. It has become an external pose-focused practice, rather than an internal art. 2) Yoga can't be understood through Western medicine, or the scientific method. 3) Standardized approaches - same shape, same way, for every person - don't work. 4) It's disappointing that the American Yoga Alliance doesn't support yoga as therapy. 5) Yoga is spiritual - internal - first. If yoga is just exercise poses, you miss most of the…
Guiding Strala

Guiding Strala

Hi Friends, I'm in the final edits of Guiding Strala. Got inspired by the London Guides and added this to the intro. Can't wait to deliver this to you next year. In the meantime Strala Yoga comes out this August! Stay tuned for events, classes, signings and fun. love, Tara   Guiding Strala is a leader’s handbook exploring the principles and practice of embodying the concepts we desire to inspire others with. The concepts apply to how we are in our body and mind, how we move, how we practice consistently, and how we guide others to discover a sustainable…