Make Your Own Rules, Your Own Yoga, Your Own Life

  All these rules are just rules. People trying to make it about them - their guru, their way - rather than about you.   The thing is, you can always choose. You get to make everything there is out of everything you are. You are free.   We're all lucky that way. This isn't just about yoga. It begins in whatever you practice, whatever choices you make every day. There's a world we create by pushing and struggling to get into something that's not our own - to force creation from the outside in.   There's also a world…

How Long Does It Take For Yoga To Work?

  A friend yesterday sent some thoughts my way, pondering the question of time scales. We agree that yoga should work. It shouldn't hurt people. It should only help. We can even say - if it's not working, change how you yoga! Because the yoga you make is the life you make. So the next question is, how long does it take? Does the timing depend on the severity and nature of our problems? Should we understand that yoga works very deeply, over a great deal of time, rewarding daily effort and patience? This sparks an image for me -…
The Value of Support

The Value of Support

Hi Friends, The 21 Day Yoga Challenge is a start of a life changing habit in awareness how we spend our time. For me personally, setting intents each day can be a little scary because all of a sudden I sign up to be accountable for this admirable intent I set out. The great news is, it usually works to some degree or another. The simple act of intending sets up the day for improved awareness of all my actions. I hope you will join us on week 2 of the Yoga Challenge. Our theme is yoga practice, which of…

Teachers: Empower Yourself to Empower Others

  A super sweet message I received I LOVE YOU!! YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I replied, "Thanks so much for your sweet note, and don't forget, YOU have changed your life. Happy for you! xo keep in touch!" Don't ever forget when you have a transformation, physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional, that you are helping yourself. You may be inspired by a teacher or a friend, but you are doing the work for yourself. Make sure to acknowledge your self, so you can stand on your own two feet, in your power.   Dear Teachers,…

Making Your Own Yoga Makes Yoga for Everyone

  Yoga can bring people together. It can also divide people. Yoga can make people radiantly healthy and happy. It can also make people less healthy and less capable in their lives. For people to come together - to be healthy, happy, capable creators in their own lives - we need to believe that we can come together and create together as beautifully unique individuals. One size doesn't fit all, and we don't need rules and discipline to take this rebellion out of us! Diversity is a good thing. Making anyone believe that there is a single correct way to…