
How to Make Your Yoga Feel Like You

How to Make Your Yoga Feel Like You

A common question that comes up in our yoga teacher trainings is, is this real yoga? If you take the yoga form, but focus on the whole movement rather than the endpoints, the poses, is it real yoga? I think this definition of real yoga as the yoga form moving…
Runners Guide to Training

Runners Guide to Training

We'll talk mostly running here, but the principles are the same for nearly every athletic endeavor. Want to run faster for longer, develop explosive power and agility, with fewer injuries and shorter recovery times? Follow this basic cross-training principle:   Move easy, everything you've got, in every direction you can.  …

The Time for Reinvention is Now

Hi Friends, The time for reinvention is now. We're here in Berlin, staying in a super modest apartment, cooking most of our meals, taking long walks, doing the yoga, in the moment, in between Strala programs, right here right now. Last night as Mike was washing dishes in our tiny…
How Do I Choose?

How Do I Choose?

This question comes up sometimes. How do I choose what to do? What to lead, what to share with people? It happens with yoga or tai chi classes, making this decision. It happens with life, deciding what to be, what to do. So in a way, what we lead isn't…
Double-Doing It

Double-Doing It

We're having a conversation about movement, tension, and softness in our online training group. It comes up quite a lot. I think there's a belief that we have to flex our muscles to be strong. Lock our joints to be safe. Push ourselves into alignment to be aligned. There's so…