by Tara Stiles | Sep 30, 2020 | Blog
by Tara Stiles | Aug 30, 2020 | Blog
by Tara Stiles | Jun 19, 2020 | Blog
Strala Home is Here! It's taken a long while, but we are thrilled to share with you, Strala Home, our live streaming studio from our home to yours. We have a weekly class schedule of live classes, alongside a full practice library of all class types and lengths, series, workshops and lectures to nourish your needs. New classes and practices are added regularly. We're excited to be in the studio again with you, and this time, as Deepak says, we're going non-local. The door is open. Your Strala Online Trainings, Retreats and Workshops are available through Strala Home also. Woo…
by Tara Stiles | Jun 2, 2020 | Blog
s o f t e n In a hazy montage of reflection, occasional learning, and wall-staring, I was able to make a small connection between an early quarantine thought and an early yoga experience. Early March 2020 You'll Need Safety. Practice. Connection Now What Let’s get a little class going.Early September 1996 You'll Need Everything this structured practice of feeling better has to teach me. Now What Share with friends immediately. Experiencing something that you suddenly love automatically leads to sharing. A fantastic meal, a good book, an awesome person. A great secret is so much better when shared.I started leading…
by Tara Stiles | Jun 1, 2020 | Blog
I'm happy to mark our 80th day of Resident Yogis to offer daily playlists for practice. I plan to post a playlist here each night for the following morning's practice, through our 100th day. Feel free to play along for our classes, or enjoy as you soften, breathe and move through your day. Day 99 Playlist - Saturday, June 20 Yoga Practice *** Archives for Good Vibes Playlists here Practices here In our Strala Training Programs and workshops we always carve some time to talk about music for yoga class. It's a pin drop moment where we all lean in…