Hi Friends,
My favorite way to spend time is working with people, leaders, and Guides to help them connect to themselves, accomplish challenges with grace and ease, enjoy each moment, be an amazing example of what’s possible, and help those they interact with to enjoy radiant wellbeing. This is my purpose. I know it strongly, and it’s so much fun and freeing to be with people in this way, teaching and sharing the process that works wonders.
Move easy.
Everything you’ve got.
In every direction you can.
The basis of what we practice is ease and mastery of natural movement. We practice moving with grace and coordination, conserving energy so we are able to do much more with much less. We care about helping people move in a healthy, sustainable, natural way, that lets stress go from our bodies and minds, and teaches us to handle challenge with ease.
How we are in our practice is how we are in our life.
We explore the elements of natural movement, and the connection of our bodies and minds, with the purpose of improving our experience in our lives, and improving the capacity we have to do good in the world.
Yoga teachers of all backgrounds come to practice and simmer ease into their leading. People of all backgrounds come to practice and simmer ease into their practice, relationships, work, and the rest of life. I love seeing the tremendous diversity of company CEOs, entrepreneurs in so many fields, movement and yoga lovers, and of course people who just want to FEEL BETTER!
It’s such a common question if you need to be a yoga teacher – or be able to stand on your head – to participate in a Strala 200+Hour Yoga Leadership Training or a Strala Intensive Yoga Training. The short answer is, it doesn’t matter what your background is or what poses you can do. We’re learning a process for slowing down, enough to feel, connecting to our nature, and moving easily through challenge. This is something wonderful for anyone to share. Our programs are for anyone interested in achieving more with less effort, enjoying the capacity resting inside, and stepping into the process of sustainability and joy. The more diversity the better. It makes great ground for learning, and we’re lucky to have this.
Our programs have participants from countries all around the world, speaking many languages, from all kinds of histories, body types, ages, and deepest wishes and desires. We care about helping you sensitize to yourself, and that looks wonderfully different on everyone.
All the trees in the forest are different. This keeps it interesting.
Our last program in Amsterdam was sprinkled with excited university students, seasoned yoga teachers, business leaders, and my personal favorite, Trudy, who is 75 years young, and shares a birthday with me. Look how radiant she is!
Enjoy the freedom and potential you have. Charge your battery, and soak up the energy from these vibrant groups. I leave these programs jazzed up, inspired, connected to myself, and all of our new supporting friends. We are all here to support you.
Literally, we do some leaning on each other in each training, to experience the power of touch, support, and healing. We discover in this way that we’re not here to fix or correct anyone. We’re here to support each other. The simplest things have the greatest impact. We learn how to do less, to do much more.
What happens in a 2-Day Intensive Training?
For our 2-day Intensive Yoga Training we get into the experience. We have two whole days together for a nice immersion in the how of moving with grace and ease. We spend a lot of time focused on sensitizing, moving with ease, fueled by the breath, and exploring the principles of natural movement. We learn the building blocks for moving through simple and challenging moments with ease.
A typical day runs from 10am – 6pm with a lunch break, and plenty of time before and after class for questions and conversations outside of the training day.
Day 1
10am – 1130am
We begin with an ENERGIZE class to move around a bit and soak up the vibe. You’re greeted with the vibrant energy of the group and experience.
11:30am – 2pm
Next we workshop and explore the breath body connection. We see how possible it is to allow the breath to fuel our movement, take it easy on ourselves, and enjoy the ride.
We get into feeling, and how to sensitize to ourselves while we move. We slow down, soften, breathe deep and explore. Through this process, we find what we need to do to take best care of ourselves. We start to remember what it’s like to be natural, and full of grace and ease.
Lunch is next and you’re free to eat with the group or on your own. I’m always free for conversation and questions and love connecting.
3:00pm – 5pm
We dive into the vast concept of natural movement, which doesn’t always come quite naturally in the beginning. It’s in the way a tiger climbs a tree, or how every top athlete makes what they do appear effortless, simple. And it carries across everything we do. Like most things worthwhile, these concepts take a lifetime to master, but get easier and more enjoyable with each moment we spend applying the principles.
5:00pm – 6pm
We finish the day with an easeful RELAX class, to explore the concepts we practiced, and to enjoy the freedom we gave ourselves.
6pm on.
There is always time to hang and chat about the day after the official program time ends. We’re often at the space for a while working on the elements and talking about the concepts.
Day 2
10am – 11:30am
We begin with a STRONG class. Now we’re ready to carry all of that ease into something with an extra challenge presented. We recognize and apply all we have been working on with the breath, sensitizing, and natural movement, to do more with less energy. This is where things get so exciting. People are popping around the room into all the “hard yoga moves” with such grace and ease. It’s like a magic miracle, that is totally normal for us. This is one of my favorite moments during the weekend, except all the moments are my favorite. This is like a fireworks show. I’ll let you enjoy for yourself when we see ya!
11:30pm – 2pm
Hard Poses Made Easy Workshop
We move into an epic workshop of play with challenging movements, with the approach of natural movement, whole body connection, breath, and joy. We start to put everything together and apply it to some fun movements like crow, side crow, flying crow, handstand and forearm stand. We get in the process and forget about the goal. The result? People end up doing all kinds of movements they never thought possible.
When we stop looking for confirmation that how things have been done is how things should be done, progress becomes possible. We progress like crazy here! It’s loads of magic fun.
2pm – 3pm is a lunch break again where we connect and chat and nourish!
3:00pm – 5pm
We move into the concepts of touch and support next. We aim to make a connection, bringing our whole selves to our partner. This is our point of view, that guides how we use touch and support in our classes. It is rooted, as all of Strala, in East Asian arts, among them tai chi, qigong, shiatsu, and natural movement. We play with several exercises in partners and groups, and experience the healing power of making a connection without manipulation. I LOVE this section as well as all the sections. This moment really lets the whole experience simmer in intuition and the heart. Healing has the potential to be incredibly natural, simple, and powerfully intuitive.
5:00pm – 6pm
We capsulate the experience with one of my favorite classes, GENTLE. Simple movements fueled by the breath, with loads of room to sensitize, brings this weekend of joy and vibrancy home for our group. We are reminded that all we need rests inside, and we have spent valuable time together exploring what’s possible.
What do you get?
Besides the empowering process of learning to move easily through challenge, something that carries into your practice and across your life, participants receive a certificate of completion of the Strala Intensive Training. Strala programs are registered with the Yoga Alliance Professionals. For people interested in leading Strala Yoga classes, you have the opportunity to be listed on our site as a Guide, with the training and hours you’ve completed.
Support and Resources
The training programs are just the beginning. We have a private Facebook group for all participants and Guides, where we connect on the experience of leading, answer questions, and support the vibrant global community of Strala graduates. We also have a library of practice videos available on our site, and we’re adding new ones all the time.
Class Sequences
After a long training, you’ll be more comfortable with movement phrases, class sequences, and composition, but in the meantime we share all our suggested sequences in the form of PDFs and Playlists, to get you started while you practice and lead.
Strala 200+Hour Yoga Leadership Training
Continuing and Advanced Education
The 2-day intensive is a wonderful place to begin your journey with Strala, and dive into moving with grace and ease. There are some people who have completed only the intensives, put in a lot of practice and dedication, and are wonderful Guides.
We encourage and strongly suggest for most people that they continue their education with us, to dive deeper into the concepts for developing your own practice – becoming excellent at this in your own life – and from here, sharing what you have with others. It’s great to begin with an intensive, get out into the world and practice for a while, then come back and continue with our 200+Hour Yoga Leadership Training.
Our 200+hour trainings get into much more breadth and depth than the intensives, including a strong focus on health, injuries, diagnosis, and healing. They also give a great deal of hands-on practice time for building both competence and confidence, as you move toward orchestrating this experience for others. You graduate with a set of skills that people love, and you’re ready to lead both classes and private sessions.
Of course if you want to get right into it, it’s also just fine to jumping directly into our 200+hour program. As preparation, we suggest some practice with Strala, whether it’s online or with a Guide near you.
When you register for the long training, we’ll also send a welcome message to you, which includes a preparation and review guide, to get ready for training, and to keep progressing in the months following our core time together. This is going to be fun!
We give to others the experience of how we feel about ourselves.
Ask yourself, “What and how am I doing, and how does it make me feel?” – This is the process of sensitizing.
Ask yourself, “What and how am I doing, and how does it make others feel?” – This is the process of becoming a Guide, and an effective leader.
We are excited and honored to be on this journey with you.
Whether we are yoga teachers, guides, business leaders, Moms, Dads, or figuring it all out in the world, spending some time practicing how we are is incredibly valuable for how we feel, and how we interact in any situation. You’ll get more done with less effort, with the baby, in the boardroom, and in the yoga room. You’ll enjoy wellbeing in each moment with this approach. It’s an honor to be a small part of helping you feel better, connect to yourself, and expand your efforts into the world.
We can help only so many people alone.
Together we can do great things.
This is why we do what we do. Serve with love!
Love, Tara
About Strala Yoga Training
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives.
It begins with a mindset, that says our best way to get where we’re going is to feel good along the way. It also works miracles for whole health, helping us to find ease in our bodies and minds, and create the right conditions both for healing and optimal performance.
In our Strala Yoga Training Courses, you learn to shape your destiny on every level that counts, from your psychology, chemistry and neurology, to your chromosomes and even gene expression. The unique set of skills you develop – for connecting with yourself and others, unblocking your energy, healing what needs healing and accomplishing challenge with ease – uncovers your ability to create the life you want, and be an inspiring leader to the people around you.
Who’s What’s and When’s of Strala Yoga Training