#stralaGUIDES Talk 2020

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Nourishing Conversations and Practices that Connect You Back to You

Co-creating this event with our community has been on my mind for many years. I imagined we’d get together somewhere idyllic, share the mic, learn from each other, do some practice and head home nourished and inspired. In reflecting a bit on the devastating year so many folks have had, I figured it’s a good time to begin this nourishment, together project. It’s a good time to learn from each other. It’s a good time to be alive, because we are alive, together.

Guide is the word we use in our community for one who shares yoga with another. We wanted a word that described the feeling and reality of what we aim to share; connecting you back to you. We have all had some great teachers in our lives, hopefully, and maybe some not so great ones, sadly. A teacher imparts knowledge onto another. A Guide inspires. Wonderful teachers are Guides for our whole life. We salut you great Guides of all kinds. Thank you for showing us the way.

You can watch, practice and join in the conversation of all the presenters on the Strala Facebook page. Here are a few of the talks and conversations to enjoy. Huge gratitude to all the Guides for your example and sharing your stories. Special thanks to Jess Lock’s for her beautiful graphic work for all of GUIDES.

Huge gratitude to the presenters
Christine Hyung-Oak Lee
Joana Radtke
Florencia Aguirre
Marcia Pringle
Aicha Mckenzie
Mike Taylor
Jenny Ella
Malbert Lee
Rae Broderick
Quentin Vennie
Jess Lock
Nozomi Sueyasu
James White
Alex Meffert
Xenia Gallin
Julia Kupke
Aaron More
Anna Kleb

Enjoy a few of the conversations below.