More isn’t better.
Think about this in yoga. When you first start, a simple shoulder opener can feel incredible. After a while, to get that same incredible feeling, you have to go a little “deeper.” A while longer, even more, all to get that same initial feeling.
Keep on that path, and you’ll become hyper-mobile. You’ll be able to do some yoga contortions. Your joints will be less stable, and you’ll be less athletically capable in your body. This is a normal part of being an entertainer; for ballet dancers and circus performers, it’s a painful part of life. For the rest of us, it’s not an aim.
If you wanted to gain weight, you might start eating more. Of course you wouldn’t keep eating more and more forever. You’d reach your balance point, and be right where you want to be. The same holds for flexibility and mobility. You want to reach your middle point, where your body works at its best, nicely balanced between stability and mobility.
Sometimes it’s good to understand that right where you are is where you need to be.
More isn’t better. Balanced is better. Right there in the middle, nowhere to go but here! There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t need to chase that old feeling of your first shoulder opener.
Now you can get into a whole new world: the one that’s exactly right where you are.
Think about this in your yoga. Think about it in your life, too.
About Strala Yoga Training
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives.
It begins with a mindset, that says our best way to get where we’re going is to feel good along the way. It also works miracles for whole health, helping us to find ease in our bodies and minds, and create the right conditions both for healing and optimal performance.
In our Strala Yoga Training Courses, you learn to shape your destiny on every level that counts, from your psychology, chemistry and neurology, to your chromosomes and even gene expression. The unique set of skills you develop – for connecting with yourself and others, unblocking your energy, healing what needs healing and accomplishing challenge with ease – uncovers your ability to create the life you want, and be an inspiring leader to the people around you.
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