Registration Now Open
What: Strala Yoga Workshop with Joana Radtke
Where: YogaZeit, Strala Yoga studio in Berlin Germany
When: Sept 7 & 8, 2024
Training Cost: Regular price: 230,00 euros
A two-day Strala Yoga workshop training in which the content and concepts of Strala Yoga are practiced and exchanged in the group.
Who is this workshop suitable for?
This Strala Yoga workshop is really suitable for everyone – no matter whether you have been doing it for a long time or for a short time.
The exercises and elements we look at in this workshop even go a little in the direction of how we can share Strala Yoga with others and what makes it so special to experience Strala Yoga in groups. So if you have perhaps already thought about a teacher training or something similar, then this workshop could be a great fit for you.
I’M PLANNING A TEACHER TRAINING AT YOGAZEIT FOR 2025. This workshop here, on September 7th/8th, can be an ideal preparation for this!
The content and impulses of our Strala Yoga workshops are roughly set by the agenda below, but they also depend on the dynamics of the workshop group, so that each workshop is unique and valuable in its own right.
Stråla Yoga is a very soft and flowing yoga style because it combines the forms of yoga with the movement elements and philosophy of Tai Chi and Qigong.
Strala Yoga is not about the perfect pose, but about YOU feeling comfortable in your movements and being able to develop perfectly. We discuss and, above all, EXPERIENCE terms such as “no endpoints”, “breath begins, body follows” or “no double-doing” together so that we can better understand and internalize the philosophy and core principles of Strala.
Every body is different, or: every BODY is different – at YogaZeit Strala we live and love this motto and enjoy each and every one of us in his/her uniqueness and individuality.
We would be happy if you could join us!
Approximate procedure
DAY 1 (10am-4pm)
- Yoga Flow
- introduction of participants
- Exercises + exchange on the topic of lightness + good movement
- Movement in space and connection without touching
- Group exercise on the topic of “ connection”
short break (approx. 20 min.)
- Strala core elements and their significance for Strala practice
- Exercise + exchange “Connection through touch”
- Exercise in groups “Yoga / Movement in space” (Guiding)
- Final round of yoga (Strala GENTLE Moves)
DAY 2 (10am-4pm)
- Yoga Flow
- Wrap Up Day 1 and exercise for “good movement”
- Topic “Challenges” and how do I deal with them
- Group exercises on the topic of “challenges” (“Crow” etc.)
short break (approx. 20 min.)
- Topic “Connection”, thoughts + exchange
- Joint practice “Touch + Support”
- Exercise in groups “Yoga / Movement in space” (Guiding)
- Final round of yoga (Strala GENTLE Moves)
Click here to register
Download the Stråla Yoga app wherever you get your apps for daily practice of yoga, qigong, tai chi, shiatsu, and more. Strala Home (web version) Strala Yoga (app)
Always we’re right here if you need anything, please email us using