I’ve been reflecting a lot on how we spend our time and what we choose to pursue.
Helping people be at ease and move with ease through Strala – in their bodies, minds, and lives – has clearly presented itself in the forefront of my energy. It’s where I should be spending my efforts.
I’ve seen how moving with ease – permission to find your own way and make your own rules – with calm, focused attention, has put me in the center of my own energy. It has allowed me to be capable in my own life. When you have something, it becomes something you have to give. It’s incredible to see the effects first hand. People are able to heal themselves of all kinds of ailments and anxieties, and have so much fun in the process.
The most exciting wave for me is seeing our trained teachers – aka Guides – go out and help so many people find the ease, have fun, and be capable in their bodies, minds and lives. It’s so exciting to see how far-reaching around the globe everyone has taken this so far, back into their own communities, cities, and countries.
My work has landed me in a unique position that I feel very fortunate to be simmering in. I could choose to sit on a tropical island and continue to write books and make videos, and travel occasionally to reach people in person. Honestly, it’s so much more fun, rewarding, and crazy-energizing to work with the future teachers of the world, to spread a way of being, practicing and living with ease.
Growing up meditating in the woods, and moving with contemporary dance, revealed a method of yoga that can be easier, more fun, and empower so many. Mike’s background of amazing martial, tai chi, and eastern healing studies has refined Strala further. All of the guides keep it alive, fresh, living, breathing, current, and so much fun. Everyone has their own spin, energy, and voice. That’s what makes Strala amazing. And of course, my friend Heidi Kristoffer reminds us that going upside down is a whole lot of fun and crazy empowering.
We just began our Strala Ready-to-Lead Fall Training here in NYC. There are people from all over the globe here to train, lead, and have a great experience.
This year we’re bringing Strala to a major gym chain in the US. Next year, we continue around the globe. Helping future teachers and leaders around the world lead with ease is much more fun than sitting on an island.
Live with passion. Live with purpose. Look at your life and decide where to put your efforts.
Your energy is valuable, and you have more choices than you might think.
Use your down-time to reflect and navigate your way into a life that you feel inspired by and passionate about.
Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you soon!
xoxo Tara
About Strala Yoga Training
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives.
It begins with a mindset, that says our best way to get where we’re going is to feel good along the way. It also works miracles for whole health, helping us to find ease in our bodies and minds, and create the right conditions both for healing and optimal performance.
In our Strala Training Courses, you learn to shape your destiny on every level that counts, from your psychology, chemistry and neurology, to your chromosomes and even gene expression. The unique set of skills you develop – for connecting with yourself and others, unblocking your energy, healing what needs healing and accomplishing challenge with ease – uncovers your ability to create the life you want, and be an inspiring leader to the people around you.
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