Nourish Yourself

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Mike and I are loving staying connected with you all daily on Strala Home, and whenever the mood strikes you. There is some extra magic in practicing all together, LIVE, knowing you are in a global group of folks all taking care of themselves. I loved our September theme of Our Wellbeing is Interconnected. I hope you are finding some reflection and ease during this time.

Moving into the heart of fall I’m reminded of slowing down and taking good care of ourselves through all we do. October’s theme is NOURISHMENT. I move toward what nourishes my whole self. When I feel out of balance I come back to what nourishes me.

We have some special workshops around the them of nourishment coming up this month. Thank you for your suggestions and beautiful participation in this community. We’re honored to practice with you.

Regular Weekly LIVE schedule (EST)

Saturday STRONG 8am – 9am
Monday Intention Setting Meditation and Energize Practice 8am – 9am
Tuesday De-Stress Yoga 2pm – 2:30pm
Wednesday Gentle Yoga 8am – 9am
Thursday Workout (Flow and Glow) Yoga 2pm – 2:30pm
Friday Tai Chi 8am – 8:30am

October Workshops

Sunday Oct 4 Self Care Workshop (Practice) 2pm – 3pm
Sunday Oct 11 Nourishment in the Kitchen (Conversation and Meditation) 2pm – 3pm
Sunday Oct 25 Relax Yoga with Mike 2pm – 3pm

Click the image below to download the October Calendar, Nourishment.

October Calendar


The calendar suggests two practices per day, suggestions of course to free your head space for deep breaths and creative thoughts. We’ll discuss the classes and anything else that comes up in our live classes a bit before and after each practice. As always feel free to let us know what is useful for you and what you would like to see more of.

New on Strala Home is a comprehensive Yoga Pose & Movement Library. We’ve been dreaming on this for a while and now it’s here!

These practices move beyond the pose as a fixed place, and consider your whole self through moving well, supported by your breath. Every moment is important is the practice of moving better, feeling better and accomplishing more.

If you’re not on the Strala Home bandwagon, everyone is invited. There is a 7 day trial to soak up the goodness, and for anyone who needs a little or a lot of extra help for any reason, and would love to join, please reach out. We want to help.

See you soon.

Tara & Mike