
Getting Real About Negative Self-Talk

So much of what we are taught in spiritual lessons is a version of “I’m not my body.” To me that has always seemed a dangerous mantra. Deciding you are not your body is almost a declaration of separateness from yourself. The argument is seductive. You are not this thing…

Rest and Renew You: Home Yoga Retreat with Tara

Slow down, check in, replenish, renew Create Space for Yourself with Rest and Renew You: Home Yoga Retreat with Tara Stiles Stress, anxiety and burnout have become a common part of our lives. We don't have to accept an agitated state of living and it doesn't have to be radical…

Simplify: Home Retreat with Tara Stiles

Align your actions with how you want to feel. This retreat has been my personal practice to realign my self in real time with how I want to feel. We are always evolving and changing. Our needs, desires and dreams evolve as well. It's so easy to get stuck in…