by Tara Stiles | May 24, 2013 | Blog
Question I understand yoga should be helping not hurting, but the more I practice the more my wrists hurt. Help! Answer Yoga should help, and there's no need for it to hurt. But the fact is, a wide array of injuries are happening in yoga. Yoga teachers in… by Tara Stiles | May 21, 2013 | Blog, Strala Training
Hi Friends, You are a space maker. Every inhale creates more room and space inside. Every exhale moves you right into that new space. The deeper you breathe the more space opens up. Everyone likes the feeling of having space around. Space to move. Space to breathe. Space to live.… by Tara Stiles | May 14, 2013 | Blog
Question I'm really stiff for my morning yoga. Am I doing something wrong? Should I wait for my body to "wake up" a little before practicing? Practicing yoga, learning to breathe, and de-stressing my body and mind has done some amazing things for me. I don't want to be… by Tara Stiles | May 10, 2013 | Blog
Question I have so much anxiety and I'm always feeling depressed. I really want to fight it out. I want to be happy again. Can you help? Are there some yoga methods I can use here? Answer The short answer is, breathe and feel. Anxiety makes your… by Tara Stiles | May 9, 2013 | Blog
Question How do I find the right balance between hurting myself, and going so easy that nothing happens? After 2 years of very little exercise, I've started doing yoga again to strengthen myself physically and mentally. I love the philosophy that Strala has of not stressing yourself or pushing… by Tara Stiles | May 4, 2013 | Blog
Question I enjoyed Tara`s "Make Space" article, thank you. I need your help! I've had many periods in my life that are full of tension, and all my space was solid. rigid, and full. Running and going to the gym has helped me in the past to make space,…