by Tara Stiles | Mar 14, 2018 | Blog, Move
We'll talk mostly running here, but the principles are the same for nearly every athletic endeavor. Want to run faster for longer, develop explosive power and agility, with fewer injuries and shorter recovery times? Follow this basic cross-training principle: Move easy, everything you've got, in every direction you can. … by Tara Stiles | Jan 20, 2018 | Blog, Be, Move
We're having a conversation about movement, tension, and softness in our online training group. It comes up quite a lot. I think there's a belief that we have to flex our muscles to be strong. Lock our joints to be safe. Push ourselves into alignment to be aligned. There's so… by Tara Stiles | Jan 20, 2018 | Blog, Be, Move
There are so many reasons we find our way to practices like yoga, qi gong, tai chi. Maybe it's to get more flexible, more mobile, or just more feeling good. Maybe it's to let go of stress, and make a positive connection with our bodies, our selves. Maybe we create… by Tara Stiles | Jan 4, 2018 | Blog, Be, Move, Healing
Bruises, strains and sprains come up a lot. Could be from a fall, over-stretching, or just regular everyday life. So what's the best way to heal when these injuries keep sticking around? What's the best thing to do when you're trying everything - therapies, exercises, treatments, specialists, yoga, the whole… by Tara Stiles | Dec 26, 2017 | Blog, Be, Move
This question just came up with our online training group - something about the intertwining of fun and progress, whether it's really possible to have both. So my thought is, maybe this is possible. Which is good news, because we all want more. This need to expand and grow is… by Tara Stiles | Dec 15, 2017 | Blog, Move, Healing
"If everyone where I come from thinks touch only happens from a teacher when I'm doing something wrong, should we avoid connecting through touch?" This came up in our online training group recently, and it's such a good and common question. As a start, always do what's in you, what… Page 3 of 9«12345...»Last »