I’ve always aspired to be someone who does and says the same thing. I think it’s important to take a good look at how you’re living, and make sure it lines up with your ideals. I’ve been looking at my Strala studio in New York, and how I spend my time here, and something became pretty clear. I love connecting with people! And I feel like I’m most valuable when I’m helping people directly. At the same time, as Strala has grown so much, I see myself spending more and more time managing people, and working through the administrative tasks that go along with running this kind of business.
When I look at the first I see that it’s really useful, and makes me so happy to be here. When I look at the second, it’s not as useful. Sometimes it’s hard to manage this balance between creative and uplifting work that we all love, and everything else that needs doing. But in this case, I knew something better was possible. I realized I can evolve how we run the studio here in New York, so more time is spent helping. I want to be here all the time, lead as many classes as I can, and connect with people whenever they want to visit.
So I’m building an office space next door to put me here all day. Construction is almost complete! I’ll lead more classes here, along with workshops and trainings, because that’s what makes me most happy. Mike will be leading daily classes as well, and continuing to help people with injury prevention and healing in our new space next door. It’s exciting to be living and thriving together, doing what we both love so much. And of course we’ll continue hosting all your favorite Guides and leaders for workshops and events right here in New York.
For all our guides here and everywhere, I’m focused on training everybody to go out and do the same: connect with who you are, line up your life with what you love, help and inspire people directly. I don’t want lots of guides under me here at the studio. I want everyone to go out, connect with people, lead classes, start a studio, and support everyone around them as much as they possibly can.
Since I was a little kid I knew without a doubt we are here to help each other. This message was super clear in my childhood meditations in the woods. I knew it was not only my purpose to help, but to help others help. It’s who we are naturally. We heal, grow strong, and spread awesomeness by helping. Connect & expand. Inhale lift, exhale soften. It’s the basis of nature, life, and the inspiration and practice of Strala. We are practicing being who we actually are. That’s cool stuff!
There is so much adventure ahead! If you live in NYC, thank you for moving and connecting with us. If you live somewhere else, come visit when you’re in NYC, and I’ll find you soon wherever you are!
Our new Strala NYC schedule launches Monday, and stay tuned for more special events as well!
Strala is everywhere, and more importantly, the practice of moving with ease is having a huge impact. People help and heal themselves with the process of natural easygoing movement, and connecting to the self. It’s powerful and exciting, and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my time. It’s a privilege to move with ease with all of you.
Big shout out (and go visit!) to our thriving Strala studios around the world! We are all connected everywhere. Seattle, Singapore, and Barcelona coming soon. Tag yourself #stralaeverywhere to connect with all the space makers!
Watch the video from our last training at Strala NYC, to help you move with ease during the simple and challenging moments alike!
Lots of love,
About Strala Yoga Training
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives.
It begins with a mindset, that says our best way to get where we’re going is to feel good along the way. It also works miracles for whole health, helping us to find ease in our bodies and minds, and create the right conditions both for healing and optimal performance.
In our Strala Training Courses, you learn to shape your destiny on every level that counts, from your psychology, chemistry and neurology, to your chromosomes and even gene expression. The unique set of skills you develop – for connecting with yourself and others, unblocking your energy, healing what needs healing and accomplishing challenge with ease – uncovers your ability to create the life you want, and be an inspiring leader to the people around you.
Who’s What’s and When’s of Strala Yoga Training