Hi Friends,
It’s been a couple weeks since I wrote to you. I’ve been bouncing around the globe leading Strala and on other adventures and I didn’t feel there was enough space and time for a thoughtful message until now. These messages from me to you are pretty personal, and I feel by sharing my experiences and the experiences of people I meet we can be connected in a real and applicable way to enrich our lives. Staying connected to you helps ground and inspire me so I wanted to thank you.
I’ve been to Malaysia and Singapore recently leading classes to women of many religions and am constantly in awe and reminded that as people, we all desire the same things; to be happy, give and receive love, and to live a life we feel passionately about. It really is a small world when we are able to connect through our intuition and desires. Differences become exploratory and exciting and remind us that we all are connected. The same but ever so slightly different.
When people experience Strala, they say “I felt free, I felt like I had the permission to move, and I felt connected and easy.” The more clear I have become about what I am offering the more clear the connection and the experience is. Clarity is key. It’s been so exciting also to travel and partner with health clubs to teach instructors to lead Strala, and see the same experience of freedom delivered through an exploratory difference of each Guide. Our differences are exploratory and interesting and can be put to the best use when we are open to seeing that the forest is beautiful because all the trees are different, but standing strong together in unison.
We all are so busy, and we all have the same amount of time in each day. I encourage you to practice something to help you get clear about your passions in your life. Whether it’s a daily intention, a daily meditation practice, a practice of moving with ease, or something else. Clarity is key and I wish you a clear vision and a happy life.
I’m off to India on Tuesday to lead Strala Intensives to local instructors, meet some awesome people and celebrate my design collaboration with Reebok. I hope to return with some good stuff for you!
Getting Clear
Practice how you want to be.
Practice being grateful for what you have.
Practice being patient with yourself.
Practice ease in your body.
Practice ease in your mind.
Practice mindful communication with others.
Practice valuing yourself.
Practice valuing others.
Practice loving yourself.
Practice loving others.
Practice using your talents to serve.
Watch yourself when you drift off.
Practice coming back.
Take good care of your self.
Become the person you want to be.
Enjoy the ride.
xo Tara
About Strala Yoga Training
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives.
It begins with a mindset, that says our best way to get where we’re going is to feel good along the way. It also works miracles for whole health, helping us to find ease in our bodies and minds, and create the right conditions both for healing and optimal performance.
In our Strala Yoga Training Courses, you learn to shape your destiny on every level that counts, from your psychology, chemistry and neurology, to your chromosomes and even gene expression. The unique set of skills you develop – for connecting with yourself and others, unblocking your energy, healing what needs healing and accomplishing challenge with ease – uncovers your ability to create the life you want, and be an inspiring leader to the people around you.
Who’s What’s and When’s of Strala Yoga Training