
No Flexibility… No Problem

There is a stigma commonly associated with the practice of yoga; the need to be flexible in order to participate! This misconception has kept thousands of people from enjoying the many benefits of this incredible practice. Well, it's time to clear the air and set the record straight. YOU DON’T…
Stop Immobilizing Your Body and Life

Stop Immobilizing Your Body and Life

I often overhear yoga conversations, sometimes I jump in. A couple times recently I've heard people talking about what muscles they should engage to do this or that pose. "If I flex this or tighten that, I might be able to pull it off! Maybe I should take that tensing…

Advanced Training for Your Body and Mind

  Q: How long can you hold plank pose? A: 3 hours, at least. On each hand. We sometimes get "expert trainer" questions like this. I usually make it a little light, by saying something like "3 hours on each hand" with a straight face. Followed by "Why, how long…

What Do You Need?

  You don't need to be bigger or smaller, stronger or more flexible, longer arms or shorter legs, to do yoga. Or to do anything you want to do.   I've seen people of all shapes and sizes able to do very little. I've seen people of all shapes and…

Can Yoga Help My Running?

  Hey runners, some thoughts on how you can use yoga to your advantage.   1) Take your movability test. Find a kind of yoga that moves, rather than just holds poses. You can do Strala Online if that's tough to find. Take a class, and see how you feel.…