by Mike Taylor | Dec 2, 2018 | Blog
If you think you’re practicing something in yoga or tai chi or fitness that’s different from what you do the rest of your day, you’re not. It might look different, these positions, these exercises, from sitting at a desk or going to meetings. It might feel like a change of pace, change of focus, change of heart rate. But this isn’t change. It might just barely scratch the surface of what you’re looking for. Because what’s constant, always, is you. How you do what you do. The strategies you use, the habits that carry you. So when you get to… by Mike Taylor | Nov 13, 2018 | Blog, Strala Training
“We know that we are each in the driver’s seat of our own lives, in control of our personal destiny. We know we can change our own health, and our entire life experience, through the choices we make each day. Our lives are our own to create.” – Dr. Rudolph Tanzi – Chair of Neurology at Harvard and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital Registration is Now Open What: Training and Retreat. This training is a retreat for rest, renewal, discovery of new practices for taking good care of you. If you’d like… by Mike Taylor | Nov 9, 2018 | Blog
Hey everybody, I'm talking a bit with our online training group about what to do when something you're doing hurts. It could be a simple example like the one that came up today. "My back hurts when I lift my leg to a down dog split." Or it could be something more complex, something else in your life. How to navigate here, through both simple and complex, in practice and real life, probably has some things in common. So I'll share a bit from our talk below. To begin, when something hurts you this way, don't do it. Back… by Mike Taylor | Nov 2, 2018 | Online, Blog, Strala Training
“You are in a position, starting now, to adopt the role of self-healer. By going deeper into the power of awareness, you can achieve the hidden potential of the healing system that you already depend upon every day.” – Dr. Rudolph Tanzi – Chair of Neurology at Harvard and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital Get ready to learn the principles and practices of Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Traditional Japanese Medicine, to create healing through positive connection with yourself and others. We’re all healers, constantly moving through health and illness, losing and… by Mike Taylor | Oct 26, 2018 | Blog
This question comes up quite a lot. And it's mixed in with some bigger questions, which maybe come first. What is a teacher? How do you value your self? Let's explore. When you're just getting started with something new, it makes sense to practice quite a lot, for quite a while, maybe some years. This cycle of education, practice, and life experience takes time. To get good at anything substantial, so what you do works, in a variety of contexts with a variety of people, takes time. And once you get there, there's not much change. You're still a student,…