It Wasn’t Easy to Get Pregnant Until I Tried This. . .

Hi Friends, (originally sent out in the newsletter 8-24-16. make sure to get on the list for the latest updates.) Thank you for all the positivity and excitement and sweet words for our baby girl on the way. We're thrilled and pumped up, when I'm awake that is. Growing humans sure takes the mojo right out of you. But hey, that's ok. So, I wanted to share a bit of my lessons learned up until now, and happy to share my mistakes and trip-ups, so maybe you can save yourself some stress and time no matter what you're going through in your life. We…

At Home Retreat.

Morning Yoga [youtube][/youtube] Green Juice   French Toast       Mid Morning Snack Clementines   Yoga Break! Try either Strala STRONG download or Body and Mind Flexibility Routine [youtube][/youtube]   Sweet & Savory Mushroom Crunch Lunch   Spicy Veggie Soup   Dessert   xo Tara   About Strala Yoga Training Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the form vocabularies of yoga, tai chi, qigong, and Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, to help people release stress, move easily through challenge, and live radiantly inspiring lives. It begins with a…
6 Tips for Handstands and Everything Else

6 Tips for Handstands and Everything Else

  Whatever it is you're doing, make sure it's playful and fun for you. Don't push hard to get past the tough spots. Instead, just move gently around them.   With hand-standing, this means 1) Don't rush headlong to be upside down! Where you are right now is a good place to be. Begin in a cat-cow, gently rolling your hips around, and staying relaxed enough that the rest of your body just goes along for the ride. 2) Just move. Now lift your hips into an easygoing down dog, with a nice bend in your elbows and knees. Keep…
Strala Graduation Speech: Why listening to yourself is a huge risk you can’t live without

Strala Graduation Speech: Why listening to yourself is a huge risk you can’t live without

  I want to ask something of each one of you. I want to ask each of you to take a risk. I want you to take the risk of listening, to you. Why is this a risk? That doesn't sound risky at all! In fact it sounds completely normal. But it's not normal, for most of us. And it's a risk, because it means changing some pretty big beliefs we have about the world. And some even bigger beliefs we have about ourselves.   You can survive without taking this risk. But you can't live without taking it.  …
Everything We’ve Ever Been Told About Achieving is Wrong

Everything We’ve Ever Been Told About Achieving is Wrong

I've learned something incredibly valuable over the last several years, and it goes against everything I've been taught about achieving in my life. It's been a revolution for me, allowing me to achieve more and actually enjoy the process of working toward my goals, without stress, tension, struggle and defeat. When I started to dive into what I was discovering, I found there was a strict rulebook in place for life.  If we follow it diligently, work really hard, keep our head down, and push on through all the stress and struggle, it tells us we might just get to something good, someday. I don't…