Runners Guide to Training

Runners Guide to Training

We'll talk mostly running here, but the principles are the same for nearly every athletic endeavor. Want to run faster for longer, develop explosive power and agility, with fewer injuries and shorter recovery times? Follow this basic cross-training principle:   Move easy, everything you've got, in every direction you can.   The focus here is on becoming more easily movable. It's your best way to go from good to great on usable power, agility, and endurance.  And this isn't achieved much by stretching, pushing, or struggling. Better mobility is achieved by practicing better mobility. This is a simple principle common to nearly…
Being a Good Teacher, and a Good Person

Being a Good Teacher, and a Good Person

  There's a wonderful opportunity we all have as teachers.  It could be yoga we're teaching, or tai chi, or anything at all.  We have this opportunity to help each other find our own way.  To discover some of the biggest things there are to learn - some of the most important knowledge there is - isn't the kind that comes from outside of us.  It's the kind that comes from inside.  So it's good to know this.  It's also good to practice it.  That's how we make it real. Take yoga as an example. There's always this moment that comes up…