
When Self-Help Doesn’t Help

When Self-Help Doesn’t Help

There's a lot of self-help out there. It can be practices like yoga, tai chi, a walk in the hills. It can be thought-provoking, like books, conferences, inspirational instagrams. Sometimes, it helps. People get healthy, intuitive, creative. They handle challenge more easily. They lift up everyone they touch. You want…
You are Perfect, Beautiful, and Wonderful

You are Perfect, Beautiful, and Wonderful

There's always a way to do what you want to do in your body. Which means there is nothing wrong with your body. Have you ever put yourself in a position where you can't move, and then get mad at your body for being so immovable? Do you ever hit…

Daddy Talk: The Right Stuff

I've climbed some of the biggest mountains around the world, from Alaska to the Alps to North India. Along the way I tested gear for Black Diamond, and learned early on that I had a small obsession for discovering the right approach, and the right tools, for every situation. This…
Sages, Scientists, and Change

Sages, Scientists, and Change

I learned some good things at the Sages and Scientists conference, from some of the world's top researchers in neurology, medicine, and well-being. Here's a big one.   If yoga doesn't release tension from your body and mind, support radiantly good health, and put you in creative control of an…
Getting Out of the Breakdown Lane

Getting Out of the Breakdown Lane

It's not your goals that are so hard. It's how you're moving right now that's hard. We don't get to say "Just give me my perfect life for a day so I can practice it, and Then I'll be able to really get it!"   We get where we want to…