
Why You Should Stay In Your Comfort Zone

  You don't need to move beyond your comfort zone. That would be uncomfortable. For progress to happen, you just need to move your comfort zone.   There was a time way back when I would hear this a lot in yoga classes. "Push beyond your edge!" I never understood…
What Do You Teach When You’re Teaching?

What Do You Teach When You’re Teaching?

Of course we can begin with a topic. It could be quantum physics or geology. Calligraphy. Poetry. Or maybe it's Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Yoga, or Taiji. There's also what we teach through how we teach. How we are. This one is important. Because how we are - the beliefs, mindset,…
What’s Your Idea of Perfect?

What’s Your Idea of Perfect?

It's not up to the world to put less pressure on you to be perfect. The world will always feel to you like you feel, in some part of you or the other. Ease off. If you feel pressure to be perfect, it's not that improvement and progress are a…
Do Less to Do More

Do Less to Do More

Most of us have a bias toward more studying, and less doing. We need to read more. Collect more information. Later on, we'll get to the doing. If I just get some more books about tai chi and meridians and energy, then I'll feel more confident. I'll be more ready,…
Hitting the Wall

Hitting the Wall

What happens when you hit a wall in yoga? What happens when you hit a wall at work, or in whatever you're training to do? A few substantial challenges can come up, and it's all the same whether talking about yoga or anything. One big one might be: you're supposed…
How You Do What You Do

How You Do What You Do

Life might hurt sometimes, but it can just as easily heal.   Your ability to heal, and to do everything, is all in how you do what you do.   Let's talk about wrists to start. But leave them be for a moment, it's sometimes best not to attack challenges head-on.…