by Tara Stiles | Apr 2, 2013 | Blog
Question Does Strala focus on spirituality, or is it all physical? Answer All moments are spiritual, so no moment is more spiritual than another. No aspect is more spirit or more body or more anything. We're all single, connected, whole human beings, not disjointed collections of minds,… by Tara Stiles | Apr 2, 2013 | Blog
Question I love my yoga, so why does it make me sad? Should it make me happy? Help! Answer It can be useful to get things moving that are trapped and immovable. This goes equally for bodies and minds, and includes our emotions. For some people, practicing yoga… by Tara Stiles | Mar 29, 2013 | Blog
Question Dear Mike, I need some more guidance! First of all, I got Tara's "This is Yoga" DVD's which are great. Also, I have been reading and watching your articles and videos on MindBodyGreen, which help a lot with the how to's and explanations. However, I think I'm getting… by Tara Stiles | Mar 28, 2013 | Blog, Watch
Hi Friends, Hope you are having a great day so far. This week I was invited to Harvard Business School to participate in a class on Branding led by Professor Rohit Deshpande. He presented his case study on the Branding of Yoga which included an overview of my business and Bikram's… by Tara Stiles | Mar 22, 2013 | Blog
Question I've been called many things. Some sound nice at first, like real or curvy. Some not so nice, like fat or obese. The thing is, I don't want any of these terms in my life. I'm a person, not a term. I'm heavier than I want… by Tara Stiles | Mar 21, 2013 | Blog
Question Are yoga teacher trainings just for teachers? What if I just want to get into my yoga and bring it more practically into my life? Answer Strala is practice for accomplishing great challenges with inspiring ease, while dropping the push, stress and struggle from your yoga.…