
Ask Strala: How do I do that?

Ask Strala: How do I do that?

  Question How do I do that pose he's doing?  How do I get the shape she has?   Answer Sometimes the question is more important than the answer. It's pretty usual around the yoga room to hear people asking "How do I do that pose he was doing over…

Ask Strala: Am I doing it right?

  Question Am I doing it right? I always feel like I'm doing it wrong! What can I do?   Answer Am I doing it right? It's normal to want to do things right. It's also normal to worry about doing it wrong. How often do you worry and second-guess…
Ask Strala: How do Foods Affect My Body?

Ask Strala: How do Foods Affect My Body?

  Question : How do foods affect my body? Hey Mike, I was trying to find an article, maybe a series considering the topic, or some other resources I could purchase on nutrition and foods affect on the body. I follow TaraEats on Tumblr and looked through some of your…
How to work with your body

How to work with your body

  Your body assumes you're a good boss.   If you run a lot, it gives you the strength and endurance to make those runs more enjoyable.   If you eat a lot, it gets ready to give you lots of energy for what's coming up. If you don't use…
Ask Strala: Can Strala Training help me get a job?

Ask Strala: Can Strala Training help me get a job?

  Question I am trying to understand what the chances are that I would actually be qualified and able to teach yoga after completion of the training? Of course, I do understand that a lot of it depends on what I make of it. But would the Strala Certification be…
Ask Strala : Are Raw Food Diets Right?

Ask Strala : Are Raw Food Diets Right?

  Question I want to thank everyone who writes such amazing blogs on this site. All of them are informative and inspiring. I enjoy the down-to-earth approach to health and fitness. I have been very confused as of late. There has been a lot of hype regarding raw food diets.…