tai chi

The 2-Minute Performance Problem

The 2-Minute Performance Problem

It's rarely what we do that harms us. It's what we do too much that can become a problem. So is it possible to have too much of a good thing? Sure. For me it's cookies. Sugar isn't a bad thing on its own. In fact, it's a fundamental component…
How to Learn Martial Arts

How to Learn Martial Arts

What if I want to learn something, I think it's valuable for me, but the practice feels completely wrong? This comes up sometimes. A part of us doing something another part doesn't like. Recently it was in a question from a friend about learning martial arts. I'll share a bit…
Training Resources for Athletes

Training Resources for Athletes

For athletes, both yoga and tai chi forms can be useful cross-training, as a way to connect your whole body together and move more efficiently.  You develop increased energy for greater levels of challenge, so this kind of training is useful for substantial gains in mobility, agility, and endurance. Practice here can also…
How Do I Choose?

How Do I Choose?

This question comes up sometimes. How do I choose what to do? What to lead, what to share with people? It happens with yoga or tai chi classes, making this decision. It happens with life, deciding what to be, what to do. So in a way, what we lead isn't…